Regular and Irregular verbs
Regular verbs are verbs that follow specific patterns of formation required to change verbs into the present and past tenses and to also form participles.
thank | thanks | thanked | thanking | thanked |
look | looks | looked | looking | looked |
lick | licks | licked | licking | licked |
trick | tricks | tricked | tricking | tricked |
Most regular verbs only need an ‘s‘ to be added to the end of the verb to form the first person singular
take + s = takes ⁄ travel + s = travels ⁄ fight + s = fights
Some verbs end in vowels such as o. To form the first person singular , you need to add ‘es‘ to the end of the verb
ho + es = hoes ⁄ go + es = goes
Some verbs end in a consonant plus a letter ‘ y ‘. In this case the letter ‘ y ‘ must be replaced with an ‘ i ‘ before adding ‘ es ‘ to the word.
fly → fli → flies ⁄ try → tri → tries carry → carri → carries
When verbs end in y but have a vowel before the ‘ y ‘ just add an s .
day + s = days stay + s = stays
Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs do not follow the standard rules and for this reason, they must be memorised. See below for a list of common irregular verbs.
be | is | was | been | being |
become | becomes | became | become | becoming |
begin | brings | brought | brought | bringing |
bring | breaks | broke | broken | breaking |
buy | buys | bought | bought | buying |
catch | catches | caught | caught | catching |
come | comes | came | come | coming |
dig | digs | dug | dug | digging |
do | does | did | done | doing |
drink | drinks | drank | drunk | drinking |
eat | eats | ate | eaten | eating |
fall | falls | fell | fallen | falling |
feel | feels | felt | felt | feeling |
find | finds | found | found | finding |
get | gets | got | got | getting |
go | goes | went | gone | going |
grow | grows | grew | grown | growing |
have | has | had | had | having |
hit | hits | hit | hit | hitting |
keep | keeps | kept | kept | keeping |
know | knows | knew | known | knowing |
lay | lays | laid | laid | laying |
lead | leads | led | led | leading |
leave | leaves | left | left | leaving |
lie | lies | lay | lain | lying |
lose | loses | lost | lost | losing |
make | makes | made | made | making |
meet | meets | met | met | meeting |
put | puts | put | put | putting |
read | reads | read | read | reading |
ride | rides | rode | ridden | riding |
ring | rings | rang | rung | ringing |
rise | rises | rose | risen | rising |
run | runs | ran | run | running |
say | says | said | said | saying |
see | sees | saw | seen | seeing |
sell | sells | sold | sold | selling |
set | sets | set | set | setting |
sing | sings | sang | sung | singing |
sit | sits | sat | sat | sitting |
stand | stands | stood | stood | standing |
stick | sticks | stuck | stuck | sticking |
take | takes | took | taken | taking |
teach | teaches | taught | taught | teaching |
think | thinks | thought | thought | thinking |
understand | understands | understood | understood | understanding |
uphold | upholds | upheld | upheld | upholding |
upset | upsets | upset | upset | upsetting |
wake | wakes | woke | woken | waking |
wear | wears | wore | wore | wearing |
weave | weaves | weaved / wove | wove | woven / weaved |
wed | weds | wedded / wed | wedded / wed | N/A |
win | wins | won | won | winning |
wind | winds | wound | wound | winding |
write | writes | written | wrote | writing |